
#ArtThursday: Juliet James Exhibition: 'Shade' @ Thames-Side Studios

For this week's #ArtThursday we had a look at Juliet James' exhibition 'Shade'. This exhibition was right here at the Thames-Side studios.

Juliet James' solo exhibition Shade explores the censorship of artwork by social media, particularly concerning depictions of the artistic nude and its classification as taboo, dictated by computer algorithms or 'instabots'.

The resulting censorship is at times farcical, with not only nudes but paintings of nature and still life also being banned from public sight.

This exhibition includes examples of ways that Juliet has attempted to beat the algorithms to ensure her work remains available for all to see. Tactics include incorporating the 'red dots of doom' (circles that obscure and censor the body) into paintings as a subversive tactic to draw attention to the body, and creating elaborate repeat patterns and reversed images akin to the concept of World War II dazzle ships.

Juliet is known for her stylised, simplified use of line and contrast portraying a variety of subject matter. She places an emphasis on light and shadow interplaying with the subject’s relationship within the space it occupies.

The results of her battle to outwit the censors creates and extra layer to the experience of seeing a painting and how we interpret what is acceptable versus explicit and unacceptable.


 Artist: Juliet James

Article: Thames-Side Studios

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