#ArtThursdays - Contemporary British Painting Prize 2022 @ Thames-Side Studios
For this week's feature we checked out the Exhibition which took place in the Thames-Side Studios.
Contemporary British Painting is an artist-led organisation that explores and promotes current trends in British painting through group exhibitions, talks and publications. The aim of their annual prize is to promote the best of contemporary painting produced in the British Isles.

The finalists were selected from over 1000 artists by a panel of four members of Contemporary British Painting, this year the judges were Susan Absolon (the winner of the 2021 prize), Deb Covell, Paul Newman and Casper White. A catalogue featuring the works of all the shortlisted artists will accompany the exhibition.
Weeds at the End of the World (Magenta, Yellow) - Oil on canvas 60cm x 70cm 2020
Artists featured...
Andrew Bryant @__andrewbryant__
Bernadette Kiely @bernadettekiely_artist
Daniel H Bell @danielhbell_artist
Helen G Blake @helen.g.blake
Helen Kincaid @helenkincaid8
Jen Roper @awkward_jen_
Lesley Bunch @lesley.bunch
Lindsay Mapes @lindsaymapes
Mahali O'Hare @mahaliohare
Michelle Conway @michellejconway
Mimei Thompson @mimei_t
Samuel O’Donnell @samuel_odonnell
Seungjo Jeong @seungjo.jeong
Shawn Stipling @shawn_stipling
Simon Parish @simonparish708
Sonia Martin @soniamartinartist
Sophie Birch @bophiesmirch