#ArtThursdays: - Eloise Dörr ‘Through The Fog’ Exhibition Recap
We didn't have to go far for this week's instalment of Art Thursday 😃 The show took place on site of the Stööki Studio in Woolwich.
Nice To Meet You, 2022
Written by Nadia A.
The Stööki Craft Makers were on their way to return a clothes rail lent for the recent Pop-Up Hub by another studio holder at Thames-Side Studios when we stumbled across this visual delight in the unit corridor...
6:05AM, 2022
It was a conscious decision to view all the artworks before reading the context and backstory behind the pieces. Looking through the collection of paintings transported us to a lonely world that was at the forefront of this "imagined" characters mind. This figure is the main and only living person featured in each piece which takes us through a selection of different scenes and scenarios that they appear to be experiencing all by themselves.
By The Nuffield, 2022
The various hues of blue signal an overall metaphor for the feeling of sadness omitted by the paintings and the occasional appearance of other colours such as pinks, golden yellows and oranges offer a glint of hope for the main character.
Is It Too Bright, 2022
It was also really nice to see these pieces painted on broken skateboards as it gave these works another dimension which also tied back into why the art was created itself:
"Eloise's signature characters were conceptualised shortly after she began skateboarding nearly a decade ago, when her life-long interest in art and new found love of skateboarding quickly and organically merged together."

Overall, the exhibition was a vibrant look at an issue that is a lot deeper than what is seen on first inspection. The written piece below has been taken from the exhibition notes and clarifies the story behind the paintings and the feelings that informed the subject.
'Through The Fog' is Eloise's eighth exhibition, featuring a new collection of works exploring one central theme. The pieces exhibited are based on Eloise's personal experience with Depersonalisation-Derealisation Disorder (DP/DR) over the past decade, and how skateboarding became a pivotal of this journey.
DP/DR is commonly known as a symptom of anxiety or a trauma response. The symptoms revolve around the feeling that you, or the world around you is 'unreal'.
Through this exhibition Eloise aims to lift the veil on a life with chronic DP/DR, in an attempt to raise awareness of this condition. For more information on DP/DR visit Unreal UK
You can see more of Eloise's work here