
Thames-Side Studios x Stööki - Open Studios

Thames-Side Studios Gallery

Private View 24th June & Open Studio 25th June 12-6pm

We're back with our latest Art Thursday feature - Open Studios at Thames-Side! Last week after a 3 year hiatus, Thames-Side Studios re-opened their doors for the public to come and visit the residents located at this amazing riverside space.

This was also the first time that the Thames-Side Gallery was used to put on an exhibition to showcase all the studio holders taking part during the open studios event.



We visited the private view in the gallery space the Friday before the official opening and it was unreal seeing the amount of talent that is housed in the studios which we never get to see!

Stööki's handcrafted SMiLE TöDAY Tie-Dye T-Shirt and jewellery necklaces

A selection of residents at Thames-Side Studios exhibiting in the Gallery space

The gallery was carefully curated into a treasure trove of artworks and creations made by all the studio holders that were available to interact with on the day. Each piece was labeled with prices (if for sale) and the studio numbers. You could say it was a physical directory so people could come into the gallery space, see something they liked and then go and visit the studio and have a conversation with the person who actually made it. 


Katy Smith - 'Hive'


Giulio Miglietta - Chainstitch Embroidery


A variety of Thames-Side Studios artists prints, paintings and illustrations

Kay Davis - 'Lisa'


For us, this was probably the first time we got to see a lot of the work that people create in the same place as us which is crazy when you think about it because we have been based at Thames-Side for almost 2 1/2 years. 

William Wyld - 'Guillemot from Arran'

John Morgan-Evans - 'String King Guitar Repairs'

From traditional art methods, guitar repairs and clothing manufacture, it is quite astonishing the pieces that are created behind everyone's closed doors.




Radek Husak - Male (Study 1)

Tanaz Assefi - 'Paula Rego & I'

Rob Schwarz - 'Remember Tomorrow'


Stu Mackay - 'UK Invasion Series 01 - British-Iconoclasm'

We have highlighted just a few of our favourite works in this post, but to be honest, this is just scratching the surface of the activity that happens on-site at Thames-Side. 

Bruce Atherton - 'Liminal'


We will be looking forward to the Open Studios event happening again next year!


Thames-Side Studios Gallery, Harrington Way, Warspite Road, London SE18 5NR 
